The president of the Ghana Football Association, Kurt E.S Okraku met our chairman of the Western Regional Football Association, Simon Ehoma and our able EXCO members to discuss about the development of football in the region and how it will tally in the development of football in the country.

He was happily received by the WRFA Chairman and his EXCO members as he landed in the region on Thursday, 15th August 2024.

During his visit, he emphasized on how best to develop grass root football that has been one of his priorities since he assumed office as the President of the Ghana Football Association.

The Chairman of the Western Regional Football Association in addition told the GFA President about some difficulties the region encounters in their pursuit of developing the game in the region.

It didn’t only end there as the EXCO members also added their concerns and how best they can be curb to achieve the aim we are all in pursuit of.